Tuesday, December 14, 2010

BOO Wendy's Natural-Cut Fries

As some of you many know, Wendy’s is preparing to launch it's new Natural-Cut Fries sprinkled with sea salt to gain leverage over the other fast food franchises. I am so glad someone is finally serving natural cut fries as apposed to un-natural cut fries. I am not sure how one would cut a potato naturally, but apparently Wendy's has unlocked the secret of how to cut a potato in a natural way. I must be better for the environment to cut a potato in the natural way.

BOO Wendy's for suckering people into thinking you have better fries now because of your "natural-cut", I am sure they will still have the same day old taste and feel to them. "You know when it's real", I figured out what real food was awhile ago which is why I don't eat Wendy's anymore. Until they figure out what real food is and stop making low grade dog food I will be eating elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Boo fake reviews. Boo the fries anyway. Give us thick-cut fries with the skins still intact.

    These are natural-cut fries: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCgQDjiotG0

    Huzzah for potato cannons.
