Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BOO Best Buy

Sorry all of you Best Buy fanboys or fangirls out there, but I am booing Best Buy today. I don't know if the people that work there are just naturally stupid or if it is part of their corporate code to be that way; because every time I have shopped there the person helping me has been a complete moron.

Let me enlighten you with my experience yesterday. For those of you that don't know, yesterday was the release of the new Rock Band 3 guitar! Yea, this is way cool, boo because it is only going to be sold at Best Buy. I called Best Buy yesterday to ask them when they planned on getting these guitars in stock and the lady said: "we wont ever be getting those in stock", I said "that's funny since you are the exclusive dealer". I explained to her that exclusive meant that unfortunately they were the only ones going to be selling this guitar. She then said she would go check on it. Once she came back she said she had no idea. Boo Best Buy and your outstanding crappy customer service!