Tuesday, February 22, 2011

BOO people who slow down waaaaay too early

Xylene reminded me of this BOO and it's very related to yesterday's BU. BOO drivers who slow down 2 miles before their offramp or 2 blocks before the stop light. Most off ramps on Utah freeways are plenty long to come to a stop, especially the one in Payson. It's HUGE. Today I had a guy in front of me jammed on his brakes as soon as he hit the off ramp almost causing me to hit him it was so sudden (and I was not tailgating!). I was going to chase him down and flash my lights and get in a fight, but then I thought I would just BOO him instead. :)

1 comment:

  1. This How to is for you http://www.ehow.com/how_2185897_drive-aggressively.html
