Friday, February 4, 2011

BOO Rebelious Mormom Teens

This boo is another viewer request sent in from Jake. If you are not of the Mormon circles then let me fill you in. Actually there is much to know about a Mormon and this is the place ( to find out more if you feel so inclined. Anyhow, I am booing the rebellious teens of the church who at a point in their life decide that they just can't take it anymore and crack to the pressures of the world. The first thing they do is go out and get a trashy tattoo on their ankle, lower back or arm. "Ooo I am going to be rebellious and go get a tattoo on my ankle to show I am awesome and I can follow the trend." Remember, you should always think twice before you rebel because you might do something you regret. If you don't want to live the standards of the church then that's your choice, but don't follow the standard rebellion template just to show the world that you are done being Mormon because it is lame.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent boo! What I find hilarious, in addition to everything mentioned above, are the lame chinese symbols people put on their arms or legs...or other areas. If you're Chinese and feel so inclined to get a tattoo of a Chinese symbol, that's understandable. If you're American and have no clue what that symbol means, than boo! For all you know, the symbol means "I've got herpes" or "I'm a douche". So, to all with lame chinese symbols inscribed on your bodies, I would suggest checking the meaning of them...that would really suck be stuck with that the rest of your life. Imagine being old and saggy with "I'm a douche" hanging off you're bicep.
