Monday, January 24, 2011

BOO F words in PG-13 Movies

Today at the request of one of my readers, I am boonig f words in PG-13 movies. Have you ever noticed that there is at least one f word in almost all of the PG-13 movies today? (There are a few exceptions) I can't figure out why it needs to be in there. Do the producers and directors have a check box they need to check that says, Yes, I have met the one f word quota for this movie? Well way to go! Pat yourself on the back and stick a gold star on your forehead, because you have now made a quality movie! I guess they like it because it is the only word that can be used as a noun, verb and adjective. What a versatile word! What would people do if this word did not exist? Some people would not say anything, because that's the one word they know. Boo f words in PG-13 movies, in fact boo the f word period!


  1. Dude, for real! F*#k F-words in movies. I think that the F word serves a valuable purpose in society. It's an intelligence indicator of sorts. You don't have to get to know somebody to figure out how smart they are. You can just calculate the F-word density after they utter a few sentences. Bada Bing!

  2. I couldn't agree more. This needs to be the boo of the month.

  3. Update: I was watching the movie Red last night and it was pretty good till the end and they just had to stick it in. Boo!
